Hi, I'm Amit.

I teach people how to go full-time on their ideas @ buildspace campus.My students have gotten into YC, built huge audiences, viral apps, or companies that do millions in revenue. Most started with just an idea on paper.I'm also passionate about landscape photography and love figuring out how to reach the most epic places on Earth.

Find me on Instagram, Sage + Twitter.

I love taking small groups of people who are friendly, adventurous, and easy-going on trips to the most beautiful places on earth.To get notified of trips announcements, join my group chat.This is where I announce trips and get to know people so I can ensure they're always fun and safe for everyone.Although some trips cost money, I don’t make money off them. It's simply my passion and I love doing it.-- Amit

Contact me.

I generally respond to people who have a clear ask -- [email protected].Or, you can book a 1-1 video call with me here.